My Version of The Everlasting Sorting Visualizer

And how you can play and learn with it

Alexandre Zajac
4 min readMar 2, 2020


Image credit to Pixabay


In this post I will be presenting one of the most known software application, a sorting visualizer!

I think that it is one of the first things I saw when I started classes about programming, and I remember the teacher introducing us to different kinds of sorting algorithms this way. I was intrigued by both the algorithms that powered the animations, and the overall technical implementation behind the visualizer.

On top of that, I have been following a lot of Youtube channels related to Computer Science, whether it be interview preparation, coding challenges, or talks about new tech trends. One video by Clement Mihailescu particularly sparked my interest in building coding projects. Building a sorting visualizer was also a way to confront two concepts of CS: Core Algorithms and Visualization/UI. So I decided to build my own.

Challenges and implementation

The choice of the stack for building this application wasn’t that easy, because I had the choice between a traditional HTML/CSS/JS implementation, or a stack I was more familiar with, React with custom Styled Components.



Alexandre Zajac

SDE @ Amazon 👨‍💻 | Interested in CS, Web, Design, Blockchain and ML 🤖 | Learning by doing, and sharing by writing ✍️ |